124 Opensource Templates

Free Hexo themes

Hexo Theme Next screenshot

Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Fluid screenshot

:ocean: 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo

Hexo Theme Icarus screenshot

A simple, delicate, and modern theme for the static site generator Hexo.

Hexo Theme Butterfly screenshot

A Hexo Theme: Butterfly

Hexo Theme Matery screenshot

A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。国内访问:http://blinkfox.com

Hexo Theme Cactus screenshot

:cactus: A responsive, clean and simple theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Next screenshot

Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.

default image

A Wonderful Theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Tranquilpeak screenshot

:lipstick: A gorgeous responsive theme for Hexo blog framework

Hexo Theme Melody screenshot

:musical_keyboard:A simple & beautiful & fast theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Nexmoe screenshot

A special Hexo theme.

Hexo Theme Archer screenshot

A smart and modern theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Even screenshot

:rocket: A super concise theme for Hexo

Hexo Theme Yun screenshot

A fast & light & lovely theme for Hexo. 一个对可爱自以为是的 Hexo 主题。

Hexo Theme Hueman screenshot

A redesign of Alx's wordpress theme Hueman, ported to Hexo.

Hexo Theme Keep screenshot

:rainbow: A simple and elegant theme for Hexo. It makes you more focused on writing.

Fexo screenshot



A minimalist design theme for hexo.

Hexo Theme Pure screenshot

Hexo theme pure. It's a pure theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Aurora screenshot

Futuristic auroral Hexo theme.

Hexo Theme Chic screenshot

An elegant, powerful, easy-to-read Hexo theme.

Hexo Theme Claudia screenshot

Concisely designed & easy to config, match device dark mode, 90+ Lighthouse scoring

Hexo Theme Redefine screenshot

Redefine Hexo theme. Simple, Fast, Easy to Use. Redefine Your Writing

Hexo Theme Minos screenshot

A simple and retro styled Hexo theme, concentrated more on your ideas.

Hexo Theme Obsidian screenshot

A dark Hexo theme, it's responsive, simple but elegant.

Hexo Theme Yilia Plus screenshot

一个简洁优雅的hexo主题 A simple and elegant theme for hexo.

Hexo Theme Wikitten screenshot

A theme of Hexo for personal wiki which seems like Wikitten style.

Hacker screenshot



A simple theme for Hexo

Hexo Theme Vexo screenshot

Vexo is a Hexo theme inspired by Vue's official website.

Hexo Theme Stun screenshot

An elegant theme for Hexo

Hexo Theme 3 Hexo screenshot

hexo主题:三段式设计、极简、方便 Hexo theme: three-stage design

Hexo Theme Arknights screenshot

明日方舟罗德岛阵营的 Hexo 主题,支持数学公式、Valine&Gitalk&Waline评论系统、Mermaid图表

Hexo Theme Replica screenshot

:octocat:Github style replication for hexo theme

Hexo Theme Stellar screenshot


Kratos Rebirth screenshot

一只可爱的hexo主题 m(=•ェ•=)m~

Hexo Theme Sungod screenshot


Hexo Theme Flexblock screenshot


Easy Hexo screenshot

Build your own website with Hexo, the easy way. | 轻松使用 Hexo 建站。

Hexo Theme Clean Blog screenshot

Hexo implementation of Clean Blog http://blackrockdigital.github.io/startbootstrap-clean-blog/index.html

Hexo Theme Freemind screenshot

Most powerful bootstrap theme for hexo.

Hexo Theme Oranges screenshot

A simple hexo theme of minimalism

Hexo Theme Aomori screenshot

Minimalist & Powerful Hexo Theme

Hexo Theme Webstack screenshot

A hexo theme based on webstack. | 一个基于webstack的hexo主题。

Hexo Theme BlueLake screenshot

A simple theme for Hexo with great performance on different devices .

Hexo Theme Geektutu screenshot


Hexo Theme Huweihuang screenshot

Ported theme of Hux Blog by YuHsuan, Modified by Hu Weihuang

Hexo Theme Amazing screenshot

Demo: https://removeif.github.io/removeif-demo hexo-theme

Hexo Theme Minimalism screenshot

hexo 极简主题

Hexo Theme Book screenshot

[No Longer Maintained] A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features.

Hexo Theme Daily screenshot

A simple theme for Hexo

Hexo Theme Hipaper screenshot

A fashional newspaper theme for Hexo.

Paper screenshot




Hexo Theme A4 screenshot

A hexo theme that looks like an A4 paper.

Hexo Theme Async screenshot

A simple, lightweight Hexo theme

Hexo Theme Lx screenshot

A simple & clear & elegant Hexo theme. Lx——一款简洁、美观的Hexo博客主题。

Hexo Theme Minima screenshot

An undoubtedly simple and lightweight dark/light theme for Hexo.js

Hexo Theme White screenshot

a hexo theme

Coder screenshot



A fast、pure、practical、elegant Hexo theme for Developers

Hexo Theme Acrylic screenshot

Acrylic-Promote 强势归来

Hexo Theme Shana screenshot

what's a cool hexo theme!

Hexo Theme Livemylife screenshot

A succinct hexo theme...

Hexo Theme Cupertino screenshot

The Hexo Blog Theme Cupertino

Hexo Template screenshot

Template of Hexo, with CI/CD by GitHub Actions

Community screenshot

Volantis Community 社区主页 https://volantis.js.org

Hexo Theme MengD screenshot

A simple, lightweight Hexo theme

Hexo Theme ShokaX screenshot

a hexo theme based on shoka

Hexo Theme Tranquility screenshot

致远是一款 Hexo 主题,专门为个人主页及多学科领域博主设计

Theme Next Docs screenshot

The documentation for NexT.

Hexo Theme Light_cn screenshot

The Hexo theme base on hexo-theme-light, Write a little book about hexo.

Hexo Theme Snark screenshot

An hexo theme with lofter style

Hexo Theme Yinwang screenshot


Niemingzhao.github.io screenshot


Hexo Theme PureBlue screenshot

A simple style Hexo theme based on Hexo 3.8.0

Hexo Theme Type screenshot

A Material Design HEXO theme

Hexo Theme Yet The Books screenshot

还有书籍, 始于外表,忠于文字。一个献给热爱思考者的博客主题。

Hexo Theme Particle screenshot


Hexo Themes Yearn screenshot

一个简洁优雅的hexo主题 A simple and elegant theme for hexo.

Kira Hexo screenshot

A Kirameki no Hexo theme. Visit https://kira.host/ to get a preview. Style based on nexmoe.

Gd4Ark.github.io screenshot

My Blog

Hingle screenshot



一个简洁大气,含夜间模式的 Hexo 博客主题

Gradient screenshot

Gradient is clean and modern hexo theme.

Awesome Hexo Theme screenshot

排名前 10 的 Hexo 主题 | Top 10 Hexo theme

Hexo Theme Maple screenshot

It is concise but not simple. 一款简约而不简单的Hexo主题

Hexo Theme Quark screenshot

a simple hexo theme https://pcrab.xyz

Hexo Theme Reimu screenshot

一款博丽灵梦风格的Hexo主题 | A Hakurei Reimu style Hexo theme.

Halo Theme Oranges screenshot

A simple halo theme of minimalism

Halo Theme Oranges screenshot

A simple halo theme of minimalism

Hexo Theme Leedom screenshot

「仿照尤雨溪博客的简洁的Hexo主题」A pure theme of Hexo like Evan You's blog

Hexo Theme Clean Dark screenshot

A Simple Clean Dark Theme for Hexo

Dev Dark Theme screenshot

The dev dark theme is a theme developed using hexo.

Hexo Theme Starry screenshot


Hexo Theme Dreamlandbook screenshot

hexo-theme-dreamlandbook 梦岛书hexo主题

K8blog screenshot



K8blog: A simple green theme for hexo (K8博客: 一款简洁清爽绿色Hexo主题)

Yuanxiaosc.github.io screenshot


Hexo Theme Simple99 screenshot

A minimalist theme developed based on hexo, welcome to use!基于hexo开发的双栏式简约风主题,欢迎使用!已适配 twikoo 静态评论系统。

GuoZeyu.com screenshot


Blog screenshot




Hexo Fluid Blog screenshot

Fluid Blog 欢迎投稿

Hexo Theme Clean screenshot

Hexo clean blog theme's modify.

Hexo Theme Tsu screenshot

A light and simple theme for Hexo

Hola screenshot



一套简洁大方的 Hexo 主题模版

Fiteen.github.io screenshot

Source code of my blog(Hexo + inside 博客源码)

Hexo Theme Mdx screenshot

A hexo theme with material design

Goyangin screenshot

Simple Theme Hexo with Bulma Framework CSS.

Hexo Theme Oasis screenshot

A pure and simple Hexo theme

Hexo Theme Trefoil screenshot


Hexo Theme Amorfati screenshot

A responsive simple theme for Hexo.

Hexo Theme Yin screenshot

hexo 主题

Hornhuang.github.io screenshot

This is my personal homepage, it my honor to show yours my interstind life, best wishes to your ~

Hexo Theme Terran screenshot

A Light, Concise and Powerful Hexo's theme

Heoweb screenshot




Hexo Theme Brave screenshot


Hexo Theme Brave screenshot


Hexo Theme Lightx screenshot

Hexo theme lightx.

default image


Hexo Theme Saas screenshot

A simple, awakening and sass-based Hexo theme.

Jackpopc.github.io screenshot

Personal Blog with Github Page.

Cutie screenshot



Theme Cutie is a hexo theme. Demo: https://yz-hs.github.io/

Hexo Theme Anya screenshot

一个「可爱」与「优雅」兼顾的 Hexo 主题 / A Hexo theme with both "lovely" and "elegant"

Hexo Theme Dawn screenshot

theme for hexo

Hexo Theme Insnow screenshot

insnow, a simple hexo theme.

Hexo Theme Atheme screenshot

A hexo theme

Hexo Theme Candelas screenshot

The next generation of the hexo default theme Landscape.

Hexo Webnary Theme screenshot

A Fully Customised Hexo Flat Modular Theme